IIBEC Colorado Chapter’s 2nd Annual Sporting Clay Tournament


Join the IIBEC Colorado Chapter for the First Annual Sporting Clay Tournament. Registration fees benefit our philanthropic efforts to provide student scholarships at local Colorado and Wyoming colleges/universities as well as fund our annual donation to the RCI Foundation.

When: Thurs May 18, 2023
Where: Kiowa Creek Sporting Club – 46700 E County Rd 30, Bennett, CO 80102 – https://kiowacreek.com/kc/

Sporting Clays Tournament Rules and Regulations

Schedule of Events
Registration: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Sponsor/Puller Meeting: 12:15 pm
Shooter Safety Meeting: 12:30 pm
Tournament Begins: 1:00 pm

Entry Fees
Entry Fee: $125.00
Foursome: $450.00
Mulligans: $40.00 for (four) mulligans distributed per individual or team. No more than 8 mulligans per team or two per person are allowed.
Shotgun Shells: $12.50 per box (limited availability)
Shotgun Rentals: $25.00 each based in availability (must reserve ahead of time)

Includes: Entry Fee into the Tournament and Lunch
Entrants are responsible for their own: shotgun, shells, eye and ear protection.
Each entrant gets 50 targets (clay pigeons)


Registration Opens Mar 1, 2023


Sponsorships needed! Multiple levels available that include registration fee, signage, and branding throughout the event.  Reach out to dan.c@pcsden.com

Magnum: $1,495.00 includes: Foursome plus Sponsor 50 boxes of 12-gauge shells with name and logo, signage, logo, item in ditty bag, and recognition.
Platinum: $845.00 includes: Foursome, signage, logo, item in ditty bag, and recognition.
Gold: $595.00 includes: Twosome, signage, logo, item in ditty bag.
Silver: $395.00 includes: Single player, signage, logo.


May 18 2023


11:00 am